Other Fan Sites


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Below is a list of every PT fan site I have found (c.2005).




English sites

* www.pt-fans.com - the greatest - run by Serge

* http://www.comadivine.net/irc/ - PT chatroom (8pm GMT for weekly chat)

* http://torregro.tripod.com/silverpills/silverpills.htm - Silverpills - list of concert recordings - Motti + Luis

* http://www.fusethesky.com/covers - Fuse The Sky - covers of PT songs by various artists (inc. a great variation of Waiting by Lisa Redford) Compiled by Melinda Wells.
        And here is the site of the Italian PT cover band, Redshift: http://redshift.nosound.net/

* http://www.hollislock.fsnet.co.uk/ - Voyage 35 inc. downloads of this defunct fanzine by Steve Freight
         http://www.hollislock.fsnet.co.uk/Odds/AtoZ.htm - list of PT songs (missing most recent stuff)

http://home.mchsi.com/~schro/ - Pure Narcotic -
David Schroeder's impressive PT collection (almost every version of every release)          
        And what he doesn't have: http://home.mchsi.com/~porcupinetree/Welcome.html -
(These sites act as "The Porcupine Tree Museum" - a good guide for collectors)


http://members.tripod.com/~pt-israel - Tinto Brass (also in Hebrew)

http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/ninospy5778/index1.html - Fadeaway (out of date)

http://porcupinetree.8k.com/ - Stupid Dream (out of date, despite having no news)

http://purenarcotic.blackbutterfli.com/ - fanlisting (still getting started)

http://porcupinetree.homestead.com/ - rubbish (sorry!) list of PT websites

Non-English sites

French - http://site.voila.fr/chemicalharvest/index2.htm - Chemical Harvest

       http://porcupinetree.free.fr/ - Metanoia (Good website but out of date)

German - http://www.voyage-pt.de/ - Voyage PT - Uwe Haberle

                    http://www.voyage-pt.de/swdisco.html - Thankyou very much Uwe.

               http://www.thetree.de/ - The Tree

Hebrew - http://members.tripod.com/~pt-israel - Tinto Brass (also in English) (out of date)

Italian - http://www.synesthesiasense.com/- Synesthesia

             http://digilander.iol.it/PorcupineTree/ - The Radioactive Page (out of date)

Polish - http://www.porcupinetree.pl/

             http://www.porcupinetree.cgm.pl/ - Porcupine Tree (out of date)

             http://www.ptreepolska.plo.pl/ - Rainy Taxi (out of date)

Greek - http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/ninospy5778/index2gr.html - Fadeaway (also in English) (out of date)

Japanese - http://steven-wilson-jpbo.seesaa.net/